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Boosting SEO and User Satisfaction

Boosting SEO and User Satisfaction


Boosting SEO and User Satisfaction

September 11, 2021 nrt No Comments

The user’s trip over the internet is now difficult. People use a variety of devices to access the internet, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, televisions, and even smartwatches. To give the best user experience, you must ensure that your website appears nicely on screens of various shapes and sizes. That is why it is important to have a responsive website.

Although mobile accounts for the bulk of web traffic, PCs remain a close second, and a responsive design can help you get the best of both worlds. It preserves the integrity of your website’s content while adapting it to render appropriately according to the specifications of various devices, making it more user-friendly.

But what exactly does responsive design imply?

What Exactly is Responsive Design?

A responsive design allows a single website to adapt to different screen sizes. It eliminates the need to design and maintain two versions of your site and is as easy to use on mobile devices as it is on tablets and desktop computers.

The responsive website is built to adapt to the screen size used to view it. As a consequence, it looks fantastic on any mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer. When using a smartphone or other small-screen device, the user does not have to scroll horizontally to uncover buried content, nor does he or she have to double-tap or squeeze to magnify the page. The layouts adapt to the screen size and modify for greater viewability.

We at Newrise Technosys provide our clients with the best web development service solutions. We built you a responsive, fully optimised website as per your needs. We are also recognised as the best web development company in India and are able to carry this forward by providing quality services to our clients.

Dual-Version vs. Responsive Websites

Despite the fact that flexible design is a proven effective method, many businesses still maintain two websites: their main site and a mobile version.

Choosing a dual-version solution, on the other hand, requires you to manage and update two different websites. This will virtually quadruple your time and resources, as well as generate trouble and confusion for both users and search engines.

Here are the top five reasons why a responsive website is preferable to creating a mobile version of an existing one:

  • It takes less time.
  • You make changes to a single website.
  • You optimise only one website for search engines.
  • It loads quicker (ten times faster than a mobile site).
  • It works well on a variety of devices.
  • All pages are always available.

Responsive design also makes websites more user-friendly since it allows clients to engage with, share, and connect with them more easily. Having different desktop and mobile versions complicates these procedures and, as previously said, might lead to misunderstanding. This may turn users away and cause them to prefer rivals with easier-to-use websites.

Why Advantage of Mobile-first Indexing

A responsive design automatically converts your website to a mobile-friendly format. As we all know, Google’s mobile-first indexing has progressively taken over the web in recent years and is now the standard. This implies that only the content of the website’s mobile version will be indexed by Google and appear in organic search results.

Because responsive websites meet the update’s standards, no adjustments are required, and no performance changes should occur. That is one of the reasons Google suggests using a responsive website rather than a separate mobile version.

Another reason is that responsive sites have a single URL and comparable HTML, which makes indexing, crawling, and organising material easier for Google.

So if you want to rank your website and let your audience discover you, or even beat your competition, Building a responsive website is very important. Don’t know where to start? Newrise Technosys, the best web development company in Bhopal, is here to assist you and take care of all your needs.

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