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Newrise Technosys Pvt. Ltd. was Founded in 2010 by people who believe in creativity and rely on creativity. We firmly believe that for any organisation to survive and succeed there must be reasonable beliefs underlying all policies and procedures.

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E-Commerce Development


That Rely on Our Expertise 

Online Store

E-commerce platforms provide businesses with a virtual storefront to showcase and sell their products or services. The online store typically includes product ....

Shopping Cart

E-commerce platforms offer a shopping cart feature that allows customers to select and add products to their virtual cart for purchase. The cart keeps track...

Payment Gateway

E-commerce platforms integrate payment gateways that enable secure online transactions. Customers can make payments using various methods, such as credit/...

Order Management

E-commerce platforms provide tools for businesses to manage and fulfill customer orders. This includes order tracking, inventory management, and order processing workflows.

Shipping and Logistics

E-commerce platforms often integrate with shipping and logistics providers to offer seamless delivery services. This may include real-time shipping rate calculation,..

Customer Reviews and Ratings

E-commerce platforms allow customers to provide feedback on products and services through reviews and ratings. These reviews help other customers make informed ...


E-commerce platforms utilize customer data to offer personalized experiences. This may include personalized product recommendations, customized marketing camp...

Mobile Commerce

With the increasing use of smartphones, e-commerce platforms provide mobile-friendly interfaces and mobile apps for customers to shop on the go.

Customer Support

E-commerce platforms offer various channels for customer support, including live chat, email, or phone support. This helps customers resolve any issues or inquiries they may...


Designing > Developing > Testing > Deploying Applications

E-Commerce Development

NRT specializes in designing and developing high-quality apps that are user-friendly, feature-rich, and compatible with a wide range of devices.

What makes NRT stand out from other e-commerce service companies?

   NRT stands out from other e-commerce service companies in several ways:
    •   Comprehensive services: NRT offers a full range of e-commerce services, from designing and developing online stores to integrating payment gateways, managing inventory, and optimising websites for search engines.
    •  Customization: The company provides customised solutions to meet specific business needs, from building custom themes to developing bespoke features and functionalities.
    • Expertise: NRT has a team of experienced professionals with expertise in different e-commerce platforms, including Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, and more.
    •  Quality: The company is committed to delivering high-quality solutions that are secure, reliable, and user-friendly. They test their products thoroughly before launch to ensure optimal performance.
    •  Customer support: NRT offers excellent customer support, with ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure that the client’s e-commerce platform continues to operate smoothly.
    •  Competitive pricing: The company offers competitive pricing and flexible packages that cater to businesses of all sizes and budgets.


NRT Provide The Best Solution

Choosing NRT means selecting excellence, innovation, and reliability for all your IT needs. With a proven track record of delivering top-tier solutions and a commitment to client satisfaction

What’s in offer for you?

Newrise Technosys (NRT) offers a range of services related to e-commerce, including:
    • E-commerce website development: NRT can design and develop customised e-commerce websites tailored to the specific needs of businesses. This includes creating an attractive user interface, integrating payment gateways, and optimising the website for search engines.
    • E-commerce app development: NRT can create custom mobile applications that are specifically designed for e-commerce businesses. These apps can help businesses expand their reach, enhance the user experience, and increase sales.
    • E-commerce platform development: NRT can develop a complete e-commerce platform that includes features such as product management, order management, payment processing, and shipping and delivery management.
    • E-commerce consulting: NRT provides e-commerce consulting services to help businesses improve their e-commerce strategy, increase sales, and enhance the customer experience.
    • E-commerce maintenance and support: NRT offers ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that e-commerce platforms and websites continue to function smoothly and effectively.
    NRT is dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable, and customised e-commerce solutions that meet the unique needs of businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions


Designing > Developing > Testing > Deploying Applications

E-Commerce Development

NRT specializes in designing and developing high-quality apps that are user-friendly, feature-rich, and compatible with a wide range of devices.

What is E-Commerce Development by NRT?

E-Commerce Development by NRT refers to the process of creating online stores, digital marketplaces, and other e-commerce solutions, facilitated by NRT’s expertise and services.

What are the advantages of using NRT for e-commerce development?

NRT offers advantages such as expertise in building scalable and secure e-commerce platforms, customized solutions tailored to business needs, integration with payment gateways and shipping providers, and ongoing support and maintenance services.

What types of e-commerce solutions can be developed by NRT?

NRT can develop various e-commerce solutions, including but not limited to single-vendor stores, multi-vendor marketplaces, B2C (business-to-consumer) platforms, B2B (business-to-business) portals, subscription-based services, and omnichannel retail solutions.

What features and functionalities can NRT implement in e-commerce platforms?

NRT can implement features such as product catalog management, customer accounts and profiles, shopping cart and checkout process, payment gateway integration, order management, inventory management, shipping and logistics integration, promotional campaigns, and analytics.

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